
clear the air (誤解を取り除く)

今回は、「clear the air」を使ってみましょう♪

clear the air

「clear the air」:誤解[疑惑、緊張]を取り除く

誤解を取り除くを英語でいうと、clear the airとなります。


George’s little brother, Sean gets bullied by Christopher, a boy from a grade above his.
His brother George sees this and saves his brother by hitting Christopher.
George's mother, Amy gets a phone call from the school regarding this accident…

Amy: George, your homeroom teacher told me that you punched Christopher today at school.
Is that true?

George: Um, well, yes.

Amy: What, why. What happened? You have to tell me.

George: I don't want to. I just felt like it.

Amy: George, you don't just hit a person because you feel like it.

George: You don't understand. I did the right thing!

(George slams the door and heads back to his room)
(Soon after, Amy gets another call from the school being informed that there has been a misunderstanding )

Claire: Hello? My apologies for bothering you again. One of George's classmates overheard our conversation earlier today and later told me that it was Christopher who started bullying his little brother Sean.

Amy: Oh, right…so he hit Christopher to protect Sean?

Claire: I figured so. If he's been quite as to why he hit Christopher, that is probably he doesn't want to let you know that Sean gets bullied. Anyhow, it was nice to clear the air like this.

(After hanging up the phone with Claire, Amy goes to George's room)

Amy: George, I am sorry. I happened to find out that you hit Christopher to help Sean, is that right?

(George nods a few times)

Amy: Oh, you are so sweet. However, you are not supposed to hit anybody in any situation. Got it?
Now, maybe tomorrow we could go see Christopher and apologize for what you did, cool?

(George nods a few times again)


What happened to Sean at school?


What kind of brother do you think George is?


How did Amy find out about George hitting Christopher?


How did Amy find out about the misunderstanding?


Please explain what the misunderstanding was.


Have you ever had to keep your mouth shut for someone?




また、問題の答えが知りたい方は、是非えいごシャワーにてお待ちしております( ´ ▽ ` )

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