
Keep it going

Ways to continue conversations

Everyone wants to speak English, right? Even if you understand what your partner is saying if you can't give a good reply the conversation will disappointingly end quickly. In this blog, I want to tell you about ways to keep a good long conversation going.


1. Ask another question

Any easy way to keep people talking is asking more questions. You can ask about the persons opinion. You can also ask for clarification. Try some of these phrases after your answers.


Person A: What do you like to do in your free time?

Person B: I like to play video games. (・・・)?

  1. What about you?
  2. Have you tried ・・・?
  3. Do you know anyone who ・・・?

Person A: What do you do for work?

Person B: I work in an office. How About you?

Person A: Oh, I am an occupational therapist.

Person B: ・・・?

  1. Oh, what is that?
  2. Cool, could you tell me more about ...?
  3. How do you like ...?

2. Link to a new topic

Don't just give up if your first topic is over. Using the previous topic find a new topic and connect it to your reply. This will keep the conversation interesting and give endless opportunities for continuing conversations. Here are some examples of how to start a new topic naturally in English.


Talking about music for a while

Person A: Do you listen to anime songs?

Person B: No, but・・・?

  1. I (watch anime) sometimes
  2. I think you might like _____
  3. That reminds me of ____

3. Reword and repeat what your speaking partner said

It might sound weird, but people like hearing the same thing again. Don't be a parrot, but use their answer to say what they said in a new way. It demonstrates you are listening and care about what they said. Here is an example of a good way to do it. (This is probably the most difficult skill, so don't feel frustrated if you have trouble the first few times.)


Person A: The other day I went to Parco to try and find a new bag, but there weren't any cute ones so I didn't buy anything.

Person B: So you mean, you went to Parco and ended up not buying anything? I hope you find a new bag.



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